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  • Writer's pictureBryan Vaughan

Getting Rid Of Mice In Your Home For Good!

Having mice in your home can cause many problems, including contaminating food, causing damage, spreading disease, and building nests. But to get rid of mice indoors, it's essential to know what to do if you see signs of mice. If you suspect you're dealing with an infestation, leave it up to the VACO Pest Management professionals.

Signs Of A Mouse Infestation In Your Home

In addition to seeing live or dead mice in your home, there are plenty of signs that can indicate an active infestation. These signs of mice include:

  • Gnawed holes in siding, insulation, or stored foods.

  • Food scraps or wrappings are left behind, particularly in out-of-the-way places such as inside boots, shoes, or corners of cabinets and closets.

  • Tiny piles of mouse droppings.

  • Runways of narrow pathways where dirt and dust have been swept clean, urine trails, or noticeable grease marks.

  • Piles of nesting materials or nests.

  • Scratching or skittering sounds from ceiling, wall, or floor.

  • Musty, rank, or stale odors.

If you have noticed any signs of a mouse infestation, contact us for assistance.

You Don't Have To Touch Mice For Them To Make You Sick

Mice do not meet human expectations of cleanliness, and having them in your home can be enough to warrant health concerns. Mice spread disease in various ways, including through their urine and fecal matter, the parasites they carry, and bites. Mice spread diseases such as:

  • Hantavirus

  • Salmonella

  • Lymphocytic Choriomeningitis (LCMV)

While mice don't bite often, they can carry and spread bacteria through contamination. Even if you are careful not to touch mice, they can still spread viruses through the air or spread dirt and bacteria across countertops. They can also introduce other disease risks by bringing parasites like ticks and fleas into your home. Diseases can be spread through bites, touching a dead rodent with an infection, or eating and drinking food items contaminated by mice. They may look small and harmless, but having mice in your home is a high-risk proposition.

Mouse Traps Aren't Enough To Get Rid Of An Infestation

Mice have a great sense of smell, allowing them to stay alive, especially where mouse traps are concerned. They will avoid them altogether if they smell humans on or around a trap. Also, they will avoid those areas if they smell dead mice left in traps. They are also far more intelligent than they are given credit for. Mice tend to travel close to the wall, so unless traps are placed directly in their line of travel, they are likely to be useless in catching mice. Mice are also always on high alert, allowing some to avoid snap traps. If a trap springs, the mouse reacts instantly, and this heightened state of alert, combined with the timid way a mouse nibbles on food, allows them to avoid being trapped. When people first notice a mouse infestation in their home, they often set out traps and catch a few mice here and there, believing they are controlling the situation. Unfortunately, snap traps seldom keep pace with the rate mice are reproducing in your home.


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